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Saturday, September 15, 2007

Neighbor Joining Tree with Ape

Today I used R to create a neighbor joining phenogram, using the ape library. The phenogram will be used to visualize a species genetic differences between six different locations in Costa Rica. Genetic distances were calculated from microsatellite data using GenAlEx (GenAlEx), because I haven't figured out how to calculate Nei's genetic dissimilarities with R. This is the procedure I used:

First I imported the genetic distance matrix from Exc..l. The matrix used was symmetric, meaning that the same distances were mirrored above and below the diagonal. I copied the matrix into the clipboard from Exc..l using Ctrl-C. The distance matrix included row and coloumn names, the six different locations. The matrix was imported in R by assigning it to an object named m:

> m <- as.matrix(read.table("clipboard", head=T, row.names=1))

The previous command imports the data stored in the clipboard and transforms the data frame into a matrix format. The options of the read.table() command: head=T and row.names=1, tell R that the first line of the matrix is a header and that row names are stored in the first column, respectively. After checking the matrix was imported correctly, I proceeded to load the ape library.

> library(ape)

The ape (analysis in phylogenetics and evolution) contains various methods for the analysis of genetic and evolutionary data. Ape also provides commands designed to calculate distances in DNA sequences. I will tackle those in another post. Now back to my tree. After importing the distance matrix, and including the ape library, I proceeded to create the phylogenetic tree with the nj() command:

> arbol <- nj(as.dist(m), "unrooted") > plot(arbol)

The "unrooted" parameter provided to the nj() command produces, as expected, an unrooted tree. The resulting tree topography was stored in the 'arbol' object. The plot command produced:

We can observe how 'Puriscal' is located between two well demarcated groups, one including 'Guapiles' and 'Guatuso' and the other three populations in the second group.


  1. Thanks, this post was useful to me.


  2. adegenet package has a function to estimate Neis Genetic distance.


    Gives Nei's distance, metod=3 Cavalli Sforza....

    Nice post thanks!

  3. when i define arbol, it comes like this :

    Error in nj(as.dist(M), "unrooted") : unused argument ("unrooted")

    What should i do?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Sorry, I made a mistake. The unrooted option is for the plot command:

      > plot(arbol, type="unrooted")
